Screen Printing

Since my return from Berlin, I’ve been really motivated to explore more mediums and techniques. So recently I’ve been making heavy use of the facilities we have on offer in the print room at Uni.

I really found an interest in screen printing – developing a design for a poster; which I intended to be a promotional item with my zine, and a range of recipes that I cook at home too.

“Come Dine With Me – I’m a Student”

A poster to outline a meal plan for a student – intended to be funny be cause of the cheap, bizarre meals. But these all were meals I ate one week at University.

Times are tough & it’s the perfect example of student food culture.

Come Dine with me poster

A day of screen printing = 50 something prints

Recipe Screen Prints

“Spicy Taco & Butternut Squash Chilli Soup Recipes”

With the final set of prints of these recipes, I printed the screen twice – layering the colours. It created this 3D like feel – after staring at them too long your eyes start to feel funny! I really like the strength of the line and how the screen print retains my illustrative style. I also love how well the font printed too – it looks clean and professional.

After producing the prints, I cut the prints in half  to produce a mini concertina book – which I later included within my zine as pull out recipe cards!

Taco screen print

Butternut screen print