
The beginning of 2015 has mainly been dedicated to my second unit of this year at uni. The Narrative unit required us to explore a chosen text – identifying it’s meaning and developing illustrations that progress the interaction and direction of the narrative. I decided to write my own narrative to respond to, deciding to produce a children’s book which would promote the idea of individuality and self-acceptance among children. The story took some time to develop and finalise but I felt it was this development that allowed me to visualise and realise my characters of the story when producing responsive illustrations.

My story follows a dinosaur named Howard – the last one left, on his attempt to change who he is in order to fit in with other animals. However it is Howard’s journey and interaction with other animals that brings a natural conclusion to the story as the other animals inform Howard that there’s no need for him to try and be someone else to be accepted, he just has to be himself!

Below I’ve added some images of character designs and development from the unit for you to all have a look at!

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I also took part in a Model Making workshop – in which I realised the character of Howard in a 3D format. I took part in this workshop a few weeks before producing my final pieces & I really felt that viewing the character as a 3D form help me realise his realisation in 2D – with regards to placement in scenes, perspective, size & dimensions.



