Narrative Finals

Below are my final four submissions for my Narrative Unit. Treating it like a submission to a publisher, I selected my 4 favourite moments in my story that I wanted to illustrate. I decided to chose 3 key scenes where Howard interacts with the different animals individually, but also a major scene at the end where we can see most of the characters engaging with each other. I wanted the images to be fun and comical – containing elements that both children and adults could enjoy. My main focus was on characters design – hoping their expressions would help convey the ideas being established by the written narrative text. I tried hard to visualise the characters as though they could be animated – like they could actually walk across the page. I think their placement, dimensions and perspective really helped with making these images very strong!

Howard and The Elephants
Howard Final 1

Howard and The Giraffes

Howard Final 2

Howard and The Tortoises

Howard Final 3

Howard and The Animals

Howard Final 4